
[January 2025] Five papers from SIA Lab have been accepted to ICRA 2025. Congratulations, Umut, Kaustav, Vamsi, Aditya, and Zeyuan!

[December 2024] Congratulations Hao and Adityaya, for your paper acceptance to IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS).

[December 2024] New paper: "One Filter to Deploy Them All: Robust Safety for Quadrupedal Navigation in Unknown Environments" is out on arXiv.

[October 2024] New paper on Enhancing Safety and Robustness of Vision-Based Controllers via Reachability Analysis is out on arXiv.

[September 2024] Six new pre-prints have been posted on arXiv.

[July 2024] Two papers accepted at CDC 2024! Congratulations.

[August 2024] Congratulations Javier, for your paper acceptance to IEEE Transactions on Robotics.

[June 2024] Congratulations Hao, for your paper acceptance to IEEE Control Systems Letters.

[June 2024] Congrats to Javier for the paper on Hamilton-Jacobi reachability analysis for hybrid systems with controlled and forced transitions acceptance to RSS 2024.

[April 2024] Congratulations Albert, for your paper acceptance to L4DC 2024

[April 2024] New paper on Safety and Liveness Filtering Using Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability Analysis.

[April 2024] New paper on Providing Safety Assurances for Systems with Unknown Dynamics is out on arXiv.

[April 2024] New paper, SAFE-GIL: SAFEty Guided Imitation Learning, is out on arXiv.

[April 2024] New paper on Imposing Exact Safety Specifications in Neural Reachable Tubes is out on arXiv.

[December 2023] New paper on verification of neural reachable tubes via scenario optimization and conformal prediction is out on arXiv.

[September 2023] New paper on detecting and mitigating system-level anomalies of vision-based controllers is out on arXiv.

[September 2023] New paper on Hamilton-Jacobi reachability analysis for hybrid systems with controlled and forced transitions is out on arXiv.

[August 2023] Three undergraduate students have joined our lab through the CURVE program. Welcome Kyle, Saim, and Sascha!